Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Question and Answer

A Guys ask me..
"Do you like to be getting hit?"

I answered.. "No.. Why would I??? I like to hit people that being hit.." She laughs... "But in love, it's different, If I love the  person, It's okay if I'm the one getting hurt than I hurt people. I can't take it, because  I know how it feels to be hurt."

G: ""Do you want to date?"

M: I don't think dating is the best solution to start off a relationship.

Him: "Why you don't want to love again?"

Her: "Because, I am afraid by being not loved back and I'm afraid that He will leave me for the same reason.."

He: "Do you think why is our boss always easily mad?"
She: "why?"
He: "People like her have painful past or facing problems, struggling right now, she is weaker than you think. She gets mad easily because its her way to defend herself, for her to avoid the hurt. or for her to not think too much about her problems"

Guy: "Hello"
Girl: "Hey, why do you keep calling me, Just wait til I get there, OK"
Guy:" Then why do you keep answering if you don't like I'm calling, hehehehe, I just want to hear your voice that's why I called.."

Her: "Hey! Why are you  getting mad at me now?"
Him: "I already told you, don't ever show your smile to him anymore. Don't ever make that face to others also!"
Her: "Why? Why are you doing this to me?"
Him: "You don't know? Because  I don't want them to fall In love with you too."

Me: "If you have to choose to live with someone who truly loves you but you don't love him back, or to live alone for the rest of your life loving someone who doesn't love you, who would you choose?"
You:  "I will choose to live with someone who loves me, even I don't love him. It will take time to learn to love a person if you  will like it and if your heart is open. Person who loves you will never  ever hurt you and will love you unconditionally. Because loving a person who doesn't love you is the worst because you will only  hurt yourself and he will only  hurt you."

He: "What would you choose? Live happily, Live peacefully, or Live with Love?
She: "When you  love your life, love  the people around you and you love yourself, peace will come and you will feel the happiness from within."

Girl: "When should I say I love you to the person I love?"
Guy: "As long as it is not never too late. Hehehe!"
Girl: "I just don't want he think I'm too forward."
Guy: "If you feel it, say it. Love is never planned. But once you said  it, it's no turning back, it's like you're giving a promise with your heart to your love ones. You can take your time."

Her: "Is long distance relationship works?"
Him: "Yes. As long as you  have trust with your some one, when there's trust, there is love. If you can communicate most of the time, it will be fine. As long as  you will meet him soon. If one of you changed then its the saddest part of it."

Sister: "Brother, how can I stop liking someone?"
Brother: "If you don't want to like him anymore, don't bother to see him or talk with him anymore."

Me: "He said that he loves me, but why I do feel I'm the  only one who's loving him?"
You: "Maybe because you  expecting too much, that he  love you too like you do."

Girl1: "Hello, how are you? Can I  ask a favor from you?"
Girl2: "Yes, what is it?"
Girl1: "Will you help me rely this message to him, Thanks for helping me last time.. That's all thank you."
Girl2: "Do you want me to thank him, because he did something you are grateful for, or you want me to know that he did something that you are  grateful for? If you are really thankful, you should not ask someone to send your message to another person. Do not tell others to say it for you."

yeon ♥

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